Vanessa Nursery is a maintained nursery school federated with Randolph Beresford. The schools are overseen by the Federated Governing Board, including parent governors, who have overall responsibility for ensuring that the school offers the very best standards for early education and care. If you would like to find out more about becoming a school governor please contact the admin team who will pass on your details to Alexandra – our Chair of Governors.
Our Governing Board consists of:
Alexandra Redpath | Chair of Governors, Safeguarding Link | Co-opted Governor |
Liz Dow | Vice Chair of Governors, Curriculum Link, Chair of Teaching, Learning, Parents and Community Commitee | Co-opted Governor |
Dave McNamara | Chair of Resources committee | Co-opted Governor |
Sarah Thomas | Co-opted Governor | |
Joshua Hinh | LA Governor | |
Ashley Mayer | Health & Safety link | Co-opted Governor |
Sian Thompson | SEN link | Co-opted Governor |
John Small | Co-opted Governor | |
Laura Barbour | Co-opted Governor | |
Vacancy | Parent Governor (VN) | |
Vacancy | Parent Governor (RB) | |
Michele Barrett | Executive Head Teacher | |
Benita Mohamed | Head of School Vanessa | Staff Governor |